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The Journey

Roads were made for journeys not destinations

Seatbelts in check? Are you ready for the journey that awaits you? Welcome to Mindful Mali, here we have no set destination but the sole purpose of this journey is to grow, give gratitude where it's due and most of all, be present in the moment.

At times, it may feel as though you don't understand what is happening but do trust your intuition always.

Everybody's path is different and none has a smooth road altogether. How do you surpass the bumps? When stuck, do you give up or just keep going? Here is where the difference lies. We do hope that Mindful Mali is the space that provides you all the essentials you need throughout your path. If given the chance, would you erase your past due to mistakes made? Think about it, you will be erasing the wisdom gained in the present,

Remember the lessons on the way, not the mistakes. Seems you are all ready to start, off we go !!!

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